There is “Lunchable,” and then there is “Lunchable Uploaded”.
Today, we are announcing nested beta support in Anka Build platform to run Docker workloads in macOS VMs. It takes DevOps up a notch for macOS ecosystem. So, why nested support in Anka? Nested for everyone who is familiar with virtualization, means to run a hypervisor inside of a virtual machine. In Anka Platform, this means that you can run docker workloads(container) in Anka macOS VMs. Docker on macOS uses xhyve virtualization and now, with nested support you can run xhyve hypervisor inside Anka macOS VMs.
In the past few months, we have received a lot of user feedback on use cases to build macOS CI infrastructure which can also support nested workloads on macOS, in addition to the traditional iOS app and macOS app CI. We think of nested support as providing infrastructure to build and test infrastructure for macOS (think Russian nesting dolls).
So, everyone who is building apps for macOS which uses a hypervisor layer in their application stack can now configure a private macOS cloud for CI and provision on-demand macOS environments for build and tests. Example, folks at Docker might find this interesting to build CI infrastructure for their Docker macOS client, security software macOS clients who use a virtualization layer in their stack could use this to configure CI infrastructure and probably many more use cases.
We would love to learn and engage with all of you who want to look at this beta feature. Send us an email at [email protected], tweet us (@veertu_labs) or connect with us on slack.