Anka Registry enables management and distribution of macOS development environments (macOS VMs) across developers and to macOS cloud for CI, for consistent and repeatable build and test operations. With Anka Registry, you can create macOS image and then in an incremental manner provision Xcode, final dependencies and push to the registry, from where it is distributed on-demand to create build/test instances to execute CI jobs.
Furthermore, you can pull a specific version of your build/test image, make changes, clone it to a new image and start managing it again with Anka Registry.
When you install Anka Build to set up a macOS build/test cloud, you also set up Anka Registry, which runs as Ubuntu service in a docker container or in a Linux VM. With today’s release of Anka Registry Mac application package, we are making it easy for DevOps and iOS developers to quickly set it up on their Mac machines for testing purposes.
You can very quickly get started with Anka, by installing Anka Flow or Anka Build package on your Mac and then install the Anka Registry. Use `anka create` command line to create your macOS dev image and push it to the Anka Registry and start managing and distributing it amongst team members.
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