The Dev-Sec-Ops Platform To Transform iOS & macOS CI
Provision ephemeral macOS VMs for iOS CI/CD on-premises, in managed hosting, or on AWS EC2 Macs. Proactively detect known CVEs in your CI/CD environments.
Dev & Sec OPS for macOS
MacOS cloud for ephemeral environments for iOS CI/CD
Container-ops workflow to integrate and manage iOS CI macOS VMs
CVE scanning for packages on bare-metal Mac, macOS VM, and EC2 Mac AMI and instances.
Build fully automated, scalable, and virtualized Intel and Apple Silicon macOS environments for iOS CI/CD. Set up Anka on your on-premise, hosted, and AWS EC2 Macs.
Set up continuous software security assurance for iOS CI/CD. CVE scanner runs against the Anka Registry and finds insecure third-party packages and dependencies in macOS VM build templates.
Scan your package downloads, dependencies, libraries, and changes in real time for known CVEs. Integrates easily into existing iOS CI build and test job pipelines.
The world’s first CVE scanner for AWS EC2 Macs. Run continuous CVE Scans of third-party packages and dependencies inside your AWS EC2 Mac AMIs without starting instances.
Used by leading app publishers, mobile game developers, enterprises and independent software vendors

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